Meet Phil, our Downsize Intern who has struggled with his weight as a teen and is now committed to helping others!

Phil before after

Phil is a rising senior at Hamilton College and is working with us over the summer.

Phil’s Story:

For as long as I can remember I have always been a big person. From the time kids knew how to make fun of each other for being fat I was on the receiving end. At age 6 I was aware that I did not fit the general ‘mold’ but at such a young age I was more upset by it because it was teasing, not because it was a truth. As time progressed my size increased, as did the insults. However, I became good at pushing it aside. I was lucky to be born with decent athletic ability, and I used my passion for sports to block out the negativity. I also have a twin brother who went through the same experiences so I had a strong ally.  Despite these outlets, shunning your feelings can only last so long. By seventh grade I was 5 feet tall and nearly 200lbs. I broke my leg in december of the next year. I knew nothing about nutrition, but knew that if I ate the way I was accustomed to I would gain even more weight.  By the time high school rolled around I was 5’6″ and 165-170 lbs.  My new school had a cafeteria and the sports teams all had very serious lifting programs. Between unlimited unhealthy food and a heavy lifting schedule my weight spiked back up to around 205 by sophomore year. Until the end of high school I continued to learn about nutrition and fitness, and my weight more or less stayed the same.

By college I had muscled up a bit and weighed 215. I had been warned about the freshmen 15 and found myself on the receiving end when I weighed in at 230 half way through freshmen year. This was my breaking point. I was so mad with myself I vowed not to let this happen again. I took what knowledge I had and cut the 15lbs I had put on.  This was not enough though- I still noticed that I didn’t fit the ‘mold’. Through consistent fitness and proper nutrition I am happy to say I am 5’9” and weigh 195lbs now, which is the lightest I have been since high school.

This experience taught me how much I need a support system- not only role models but people to talk about my situation with. I have never felt more at peace with my body as I do now. I know how my body reacts to food, exercise, sleep, and the other factors that can have such a strong impact on our loves without us even realizing it. I stumbled on to Downsize Fitness by accident. I was so happy to know that there is a whole community of people who want to make change and have found the path that is right for them. With my extra time I help spread the Downsize Fitness community.

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